Compression Mortise: 1/2" OD x 1" LOC x 3-1/2" OAL - 2+2 Flute

  • $69.45
    Unit price per 

1/2" OD x 1" LOC x 3-1/2" OAL
2+2 Flute Compression Mortise

Armada's Compression Mortise Tools are used extensively for cutting double-sided laminates, such as melamines or veneers that are 5/8” thick or less. Armada’s compression mortise tools have a two or three flute design that combines both upcut and downcut spirals along with a shorter shear length. This helps achieve a smooth groove or mortise without chipping the top surface. Armada uses a submicron-grain carbide to manufacture all their tools to extend sharpening life.

2+2 Flute

A combination of two upcut flutes and two downcut flutes will maximize the edge quality from the top and the bottom of the material you are cutting.